Class: Edifier
Occupation: Literary Professor & Part Time Med Student
Personality: Composed, Natural Leader & Protective
Combat Style:River is a healer & most efficient with Prayer
Weapons. When equipped properly, she can deal an insane amount of damage to the darkest of foes,
all the while keeping her team unburdened.
River was unmercifully devastated by the violent house fire that took her husband and little girl while she was, yet again, out of town. For years, she was relentlessly tormented by demons, while endlessly searching for the answer to the hardest question: Why?
Night after night she cried out to a God she didn't believe in, desperately testing to see if her husband’s ridiculous beliefs could be true; clinging to the hope that at least they were taken care of, wherever they were.
One night, believing she was asleep, she found an impossible glimmer of Truth in an unimaginable encounter. Soon after, she was hunted down for her curiosity, and fled down a path towards a small spark of Light that led her to a mysterious man. He was
sitting under a tree that was so magnificent, that to the best of her knowledge, it couldn’t possibly exist. Their conversation left her with a choice that altered her perceptions of life and death forever.
Over time, River has become a confident Messenger of Light; His Spirit granting her visions and dreams of dark, sinister plots of things to come. When River speaks, powerful truths pour from her spirit and others listen intently.
The Darkness is highly aware of her presence, so she’s often a target for their gut wrenching afflictions; yet she always seems ready and on guard. Painstakingly leaning on the promises of an invisible God who has guided her hand in a war she couldn’t possibly fight by herself. River’s powerful words and healing nature make an overwhelming fight seem much less burdensome.
“We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.”
2 Corinthians 4:8-9 (NLT)